Endorsing Sustainability Through Professional Education—Meet Anastasios Avranas of Interfima

Posted on August 23rd, 2024

Interfima joins the GSF to strengthen its commitment to software sustainability.

Endorsing Sustainability Through Professional Education—Meet Anastasios Avranas of Interfima

Anastasios is a managing partner at Interfima. With a background in finance, his current focus is on innovation and startups.

How does sustainability fit into your organization?

Interfima is a multi-disciplinary professional organization established in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. We pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence and innovation. Our mission is to share knowledge and contribute to the sustainable development of individuals and organizations in the financial services industry. 

We endorse sustainability via professional education and achieve this by designing ESG and impact-oriented programs for financial services (banking and insurance). At the same time, we offer advisory and supportive services such as sustainable due diligence, evaluation, and design for building ESG-compliant operations for startups.

Why did you join GSF?

We aim to integrate sustainable software development and greener IT infrastructure into our training programs and services for industry stakeholders. Joining the GSF reinforces our commitment to do this well. We’re looking forward to learning first-hand from those who have walked this path well and absorbing insights, best practices, and knowledge in this area. 

What challenges and opportunities can you share as you look to reduce the environmental impacts of software?

Regarding challenges, implementation costs of new, more efficient, and thus environmentally friendly software might pose a challenge. However, we recognize that it indirectly offsets and lowers any organization's risk profile under ESG terms and helps unlock positive cash flows and improved environmental outcomes.

As for the opportunities, better use of resources with an environmental focus helps release unnecessary resources, generating a more significant impact for the organization, the environment, and society. It translates to reduced costs in the long run: funds being used more effectively lead to another round of positive impact for all parties involved.

Personally, I see the potential in open innovation from the GSF community to minimize development or cost-related challenges and, at the same time, offer the general public the opportunity to benefit from the tools developed.

How do you hope to contribute and benefit from the GSF?

We trust in our ability to offer knowledge and understanding and influence decision-making through our training, services, and mentoring to organizations and startups. 

From an impact perspective, we aim to incorporate green infrastructure's operational aspects and recent requirements and introduce them to our due diligence or review (ESG readiness) process. Additionally, insights from the market could be shared with the GSF community and members, helping to shape and evolve the standards set by the GSF and how the foundation addresses new policies affecting green software. 

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